It’s beating on my eyes again

It’s blowing up my nose

It’s howling round my lips and mouth

And stealing my repose

He dares not let it in, again

The chaos is too strong

It throws around the furniture

And wrecks the right and wrong

I’d like to give a voice to it

But how to drink the wind?

I’ll have to keep him well subdued

Then see what else it brings

A finer wine would be uncased

A deeper taste, an ‘I’ concealed

And leaden fear would drop away

To leave the laughing storm revealed

©Stephen Tanham

7 Comments on “Being Storm

  1. Thank you for the reblogs. Jaye. It’s a poem of consciousness that works backwards from the ‘experienced’ object- the storm- to the egoic perception, to something deeper; which recognises its kinship with the actuality of what’s ‘out there’.


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