We’ve always loved Italy…

Some of the friendliest people we’ve ever met, beautiful food and a general willingness to help you, when you’re staring at that upside-down map.

So we’re off to Italy for a walking and touring break. But not by car. We’re letting the Italian trains take the strain.

We have to get to Italy, first, so that will involve a plane – and the innate hostility that goes with airports, these days.

Friends have commented about the lack of having a car in a strange landscape – we plan to visit one or two of the famous lakes. We don’t mind a lot of walking. It sheds the calories being put on by the delicious cooking.

The problem these days is the dog and cat. Both much loved, and we don’t put them in kennels unless we absolutely have to.

Recently, an elegant solution has presented itself. Two of our best friends (with whom we exchange pet-caring when the other is on holiday) love Kendal, and its closeness to the Lake District.

They suggested that they stay in our house while we’re on holidays, and they would look after our furry ones – in the pets’ own home. Much less traumatic!

In turn, we would look after their blind black Labrador … which we’ve done for the past six weeks.

So that’s where they all are.

And we…. Well you might be able to tell from the photos…

I look forward to posting lots of photo updates.

Ironically, we’ve left behind glorious sunshine in Britain only to be greeted with several days of rain, here. The essence of irony.!

But Venice is so beautiful, it doesn’t really matter.

More soon.

©Stephen Tanham 2024

All photos taken and processed on an iPhone 12.

Stephen Tanham is a writer-photographer and mystical teacher. He is the founding Director of the Silent Eye, which offers a monthly Zoom-based gathering of companions, each one on their own, unique journey to the deeper states of them-selves.

5 Comments on “An Italian Adventure

  1. I love your solution to the pet issue. We’ve been taking separate holidays so one of us stays home with the dogs. Enjoy every minute!


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