Venice is, by definition, old.

(St. Mark’s Square)

But much of the area near to St Mark’s Square is given over to modern tourism.

A fifteen minute stroll through the crowds will bring you to the Rialto Bridge.

(The Rialto)

Where hundreds of people are taking photographs of the Grand Canal, which divides the central island in two.

(‘Old Venice’ unfolds in a very different way … and with very few people)

Once across, and through the nearby markets, you can take just about any of the small streets and find yourself in a very different world…

And here, the photographs can tell the story of an older and less tourist-focussed life in this fascinating city.

(Own boat desirable…)
(My favourite shot: Beauty of a different kind)
(And everything on a more ‘domestic’ scale)
(Here, the cafes are scarce – but the few family-run restaurants are wonderful)

Eventually returning over the Rialto to wander along the busy quayside to find that final coffee before, in our case, boarding a ferry back to the Lido – a more modern island at the neck of the lagoon in which Venice is situated.

(And eventually, it’s back over The Grand Canal to the ferry (Vaporetti) that will take us ‘home’ to the Lido (island), a much more modern enclave, with a fabulous Belle Epoque past)
(The Lido island – a twenty minute journey from St Mark’s Square by Vaporetti)
(Lido’s ‘Belle-Epoque’’ past is evident in many of the grand buildings. A separate post will follow)


©Stephen Tanham 2024

All photos taken and processed on an iPhone 12 ProMax.

Stephen Tanham is a writer-photographer and mystical teacher. He is the founding Director of the Silent Eye, which offers a monthly Zoom-based gathering of companions, each one on their own, unique journey to their deeper states of self-realisation)

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