There was a time, not long ago, when my livelihood – and that of 25 other employees of the software company I established in the late 1980s – depended on our continued involvement with the plans of some large city institutions such as the Bank of England, Euroclear and various of the high street banks also headquartered in the (old) City.

For a company based in Manchester, it was an achievement we were deeply proud of.

It was a world I retired from nearly ten years ago, beginning my work of a more spiritual nature with the foundation of the Silent Eye, and joined soon after by Sue and Stuart.

I still enjoy coming back to London, but the old feeling of being at home there has diminished. London was always a world hub of finance, and fast moving. You could be out of date in a year, never mind a decade.

The weather was kind, and we were able to walk most of the way to the Docklands Light Railway (DLR), via which we were headed to the stunning ABBA Voyage ‘concert’.

Coming back on the Central Line tube train, I reflected on the warmth I used to feel when passing the magnificent St Paul’s Cathedral – Christopher Wren’s masterpiece. Although vast, it somehow contained a welcome for the human and his/her scale.

A short detour on the way back from the concert and we were able to revisit it – in darkness, of course, but floodlit.

There was nothing but welcome in that venerable old stone.

I smiled the short distance to our hotel. Some things were, wonderfully, the same…

©Stephen Tanham 2022

Stephen Tanham is a Director of the Silent Eye, a journey through the forest of personality to the dawn of Being. and

11 Comments on “The Endurance of St. Paul’s

  1. Pingback: The Endurance of St Paul’s – The Silent Eye

  2. An affectionate look at the Capital, Steve. I must admit on my various flying visits, I was never able to make friends with it – probably more to do with me than the place, which always overwhelmed me. I should perhaps make the time to visit the sights, and give it another chance. I hope you have plans for a write-up of the concert. I’ve been an unashamed ABBA fan since 1976.

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